Prompto Subscription and Billing Model

How does the billing per unit approach work? What are the brand new Prompto Pricing Plans? How can you get a profitable price?

The Bigger Picture

Creating an intuitive digital twin for the entire real estate portfolio is one of 3 major promises Prompto makes to you, our beloved Customer.

As a contribution to that promise the Prompto Marketplace module was released in 2022 allowing you to put all your development projects into the well-organized, nice-looking, and functional real estate property catalog.


How old subscriptions became outdated?

The old subscription and billing approach assumed payment for each project you put in Prompto.

Adding lots of projects, particularly outside an active sales phase, was financially unreasonable, as the growth of the portfolio in Prompto resulted in payment growth.

Meet new Prompto Subscription and Billing Model

So we decided to change the paradigm, allowing our customers to put as many projects in Prompto, as they want free of charge. Starting from the Business pricing plan you get unlimited projects, as well as users, media storage, presentation views, analytics, and other features while paying for what you actually sell at that moment.

As a result, the new approach allows you:

  • to place all your Ongoing, Previously built, and Upcoming projects in Prompto and have a centralized view of all your Company property assets for presentation needs. 
  • obtain a powerful solution to collaborate between different parties in a real estate sales process.
  • keep, track and share all your project-related data in one centralized point.

Per Unit Billing Model

With per-unit billing, you only have to pay for the units (apartments, condos, houses, offices - you name it) you currently sell in Prompto.

Units on Sale are now called Active and defined as units in Available and Option statuses. Once the unit becomes Sold it becomes free of charge (and referred to as Inactive).

The number of active units you are able to put into Prompto is defined by the number of unit slots you purchase. You are totally flexible to buy as many slots as needed and adjust the number at any moment.

The price of a unit slot depends on the Pricing plan chosen and the number of slots being purchased.

The concept of the slot price dependent on their amount is called the Tiered billing approach.

How does the Tier Pricing approach provides a profitable price?

We use a Tiered pricing model allowing you to get a higher unit price discount the more units you put in Prompto.

The number of slots you may have is divided into 8 tiers, with a special price assigned to each.

Once you filled up one tier you fill up the next one, where the unit price is cheaper. 

This is how it works for Business Yearly:

Tier Unit Price
First 10 units (1 - 10) 150€
Next 40 units (11 - 50) 140€
Units 51 - 100 120€
Units 101 - 200 90€
Units 201 - 300 50€
Units 301 - 400 45€
Units 401 - 500 40€
Units 500+ 30€


Example One:

The customer buys 70 slots

The total price is 10*150 + 40*140 + 20*120 = 9.500€

The average unit price is 135.7€, i.e. the resulting discount from the starting price is 24.6%

Example Two:

The customer buys 140 slots

The total price is 10*150 + 40*140 + 50*120 + 40*90 = 16.700€

The average unit price is 119.3€, i.e. the resulting discount from the starting price is 33.7%

Pricing Plans

Prompto offers flexible pricing matching the needs of smaller and bigger Real Estate Developers.

You can select out of three Pricing plans, selecting the one that covers your request at the current moment.  And switch easily anytime.

In general, we recommend:

  • Essential plan for a small family company where everyone is basically in the same room.
  • Business Plan for SMEs and companies working with internal sales and external realtors.
  • Premium Plan is finetuned for large organizations handling thousands of units per year.

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🤔Not sure which plan to choose? 👉👉👉 Get in touch with a sales representative

Payment Schedules

For each Pricing Plan, you have two payment options: Monthly and Yearly.

Monthly Payment Schedule

The monthly schedule assumes monthly renewals and payments at monthly intervals. 

You start with choosing what amount of unit slots you want and making the first upfront payment.

All the subsequent payments are calculated based on the number of slots actually used on the next billing day.

💡The great thing is that on the monthly plan you are never limited by the number of prepaid slots. You can add as many active units as needed at any moment. The additional slots will be taken into account on the next renewal.


The Customer prepaid 20 unit slots for the month.

As the month goes on, he figures out that more slots are needed to place all the Available and Optioned units. The customer continues to add units he needs, resulting in 28 active units at the end of the month.

The customer pays for 28 slots for the next month.

During the next month, 15 of 28 units are Sold, resulting in 13 active units on the next billing date.

The customer only pays for 13 slots...

And so on!

Important! Monthly plans accept payments by credit card only.

Yearly Payment Schedule

Yearly plans last for a year and assume yearly renewals and payments.

As on Monthly, you decide what amount of unit slots are needed and make the first upfront payment. In case you need more slots you can buy them anytime and pay a prorated amount for the remaining period.

Renewals are based on the number of slots bought during the previous period.


The Customer prepays 50 slots for the upcoming year. 

In a half a year he decides that 20 more unit slots are needed.

He buys 20 extra slots for the period remaining until the end of the year.

As there is half of the year left until the next renewal he is billed a prorated amount for the 20 extra slots:

(20*unit price yearly)/2 

 💡All yearly versions of Pricing Plans offer a default 2-month discount, so in case you decide to choose the yearly option you save around 16%!